Sunday, February 27, 2005

Oooh, the Power of Risk.

Last night I went to Storm with Solz and Julie. And we met up with some friends, and friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends. Basically it was a huge group and very soon after most of us started getting drunk, needless to say we started pairing off with strangers.
And I was just sitting at this empty alcove-like booth at the back of the club with some guy whose name i can't remember - Ben or Brendan or something like that. He wasn't that bad looking either. And a little drunk. Me, I was hardly drunk, thanks to my super new vampire powers. And as the night passed by we started making out, no surprise, and's the surprise...I bit him.
It started off as just a nibble. Honest! I didn't mean to bite him! And then, I started getting close to the vein...and then...
But he's all right and I only took a bit and he doesn't remember anything and all that happened was that after I was done with him he seemed even more drunk. I made sure he got a glass of water in him after I was done, though. Just a personal health concern. You know, all that rap about alcohol and dehydration and all. Though I'm not sure where a small loss of blood would rack up in all this.
Anyway, it gave me a real heady feeling. Like power. Whoa. I can actually bite this guy and get away with it in a club! Wow. That's so cool. I'm just like an Anne Rice novel!

Saturday, February 26, 2005


I've been stuffing myself with doughnuts to try and reclaim my appetite for normal food. It's not working. The only good thing I've learnt is that I now have very good metabolism. I am the envy of any Weight Watcher.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Vampire club a`la Anne Rice? Not a chance.

I know I haven't written much about my new undead life lately but that's because I've been too busy living it. Hahaha - get it?
Sour sigh. Even when you're undead, no one laughs at your stupid jokes.
Anyway, guess what! I went back to the Red Door club. And, boy, I was so nervous about it, like, what do I wear for the occasion? Should I go all slinky and black leather like Trinity in Matrix? Or with those two Princess Leia buns and a spiffy fur jacket like that chick who snucked into the vampire club in The Queen of the Damned? What if they all laugh at me? A laughingstock in the vampire world.
So anyway, I just put on this hot black dress that Julie once gave me and just put my coat over that so if everyone was like really casual or whatever and that goth vampire was just a crazed vamp, I wouldn't stand out.
And then I set off, hi ho, to the vampire club!
And I just opened the door and stepped in and I didn't get fried or whatever. I doubt if anyone even noticed I entered - the place was so full of smoke, not cigarette smoke, but that cold sweet smoke that you get when you smoke shisha.
It was a pretty cool club. But guess what? No vampires! Like, most of the people I saw there were probably humans. There were one or two vampires, but I was pretty shy to go up and talk to them, like, "Hi, I just noticed that you guys were like the only vampires in the club! I'm a vampire too! Can I join your table?" Didn't work in high school. Wouldn't work here.
All in all, it was a cool club, but a pretty ordinary club. A little disappointing. I guess things in real life are never like they are in the movies.
Anyway, I got tired of hanging around by myself in the club and left like, in fifteen. I should get Solz and Julie to come down with me here sometime though. It really is a pretty cool club. And the Jukez and Storm are getting so boring. We need a new place to get drunk at.

In the spirit of Valentine's Day...

Kristy Helleughes is really giving me the creeps. Even Solz and Julie commented on it. Solz was like, "what did you do to her, steal her boyfriend or something?"
My answer: "Considering Kristy's stained history of past lovers, I would rather kill myself then find any of her men attractive."
Because, honestly, all Kristy's men are weird. Like Bryce Johnson, who is the only man ever in her life. Because after him, all the other guys were scared off.
But you know, speaking of guys, I get a lot more looks since I became undead. See, people are attracted to opposites. See how many live guys are interested in me since I became dead.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Mealtimes at Dusk.

Today I ran up behind an unsuspecting passerby, hopped onto his back, tore into his throat, drank long and loud (excuse me), and then pulled my head back while my long dark hair swished dramatically around my face and drops of blood flew in the air in slow motion.
Then I ran off.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Fragrant Paranoia.

The thing about having acute senses is that you are so much more aware of things. Sometimes I wonder whether it's my new heightened awareness or if I'm just being paranoid.
Example: I get the feeling of being stared at by this chick from my Euro History class. Kristy Helleughes. Several times I feel...I just feel her eyes on my back. I pick it up all the time, from the corner of my eye, whenever I turn around. And to show that it's not all paranoia, I have caught her staring at me a couple of times. She's got this thick long brown hair like a horse's mane and these cold yellow eyes like some cat or something. Funny, but she reminds me more of a dog then a cat though. Don't ask me why I think that. It's something to do with my new sense of smell. I can smell people now - not just the ones with really bad body odour or those who've O.D.'ed on perfume. I can tell things about people just by how they smell. The guy in front of me in English Lit smells of stale potato chips and computers, I know Mrs. Tanner has been sleeping with Professor Jorges because they smell of one another, especially early in the morning. Hannah Kczrackman mixes her old CK1 and her Lolita Lempicka perfumes together. There's a scent about Kristy Helleughes which seems...feral, animal-like. Like the lady who walks all the dogs every Monday evening in the park. It's subtle, but it's there, all right.
She's always been a strange person anyway, Kristy. For all I know, I'm not the only person she stares at. She doesn't really mix with anyone, she's usually by herself. Bryce Johnson used to hound her for dates all the time, then he suddenly stopped and now he practically goes out of his way to avoid her. There used to be a lot of rumors about what had happened - that she was a lesbian and he caught her kissing his cousin, that she threw corosive acid over his car and told him to get lost. My favourite one was that she went totally nuts and threatened him with a shotgun when he came over to her house one day.
I'm probably just being paranoid. But today she was just staring at me so weirdly, for so long. She didn't count on my vampire eyes though. I gave her back as good as I could and she looked away quickly. But as I was leaving Euro History, I could feel her eyes on my back.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

So what's the password, Count Dracula?

Tonight I went back down to the club with the red door through which I saw that vampire go in. I just stood outside across the street staring at it but I didn't make any moves to go in. I think I'm a little scared to go in. I mean, what am I going to find in there? Just a normal club? A club full of vampires? If they're all vampires then what am I going to say or do? Is there going to be like some secret password or something that if you don't know they'll kill you, something like Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut? And, honestly, I won't know the first thing about handling a conversation with them. Should we slaughter and drink the blood of a sacrifice first? I mean, except for Julian I have absolutely no experience with real vampires. And he was such an asshole. The least he could do was leave me some tips on vampire etiquette and the sort.
After a while I got sick of standing in cold and just went home. Maybe some sharp-eyed vampire would have spotted me hanging outside the place and followed me home and try to kill me but hopefully we'll have a chat instead. Yay.