Monday, June 19, 2006

The Latest

Kristy has been hanging out a lot more with me, Julie and Solz. At first, she was more than just a little wary (and so were Julie and Solz, who couldn't understand how we had gone from being enemies to friends overnight). But I wore her down with constant invitations and now she comes out with us on an occasional night. Like usual, everyone's a little more friendly after alcohol. Eventually, I introduced her to Paul. Needless to say, they were both a little wary of one another too, but it's all worked out well now. I think it helps Kristy to meet people who are like her ... different from everyone else.
Yeah, that's me. Agatha, the Vampire Therapist. *snort*
On the human-social side, Solz has been playing more sets at different clubs, which means we've been getting better treatment at more clubs. All right, Solz!!! Julie and I have been teasing him about being a minor celebrity now. Like usual, he's been a vain old prick.
It's summer now and I've gotten a job at the Greenwood Library. It's a pretty nice place and it's a job I can more or less tolerate. Much better than waiting on bossy grandmothers at Ulliver Cafe like last summer. I walked out within the first hour. And it's useful too. I've been making use of the research and microfiche rooms to look through history - to see if I can find out anything about vampires or werewolves or even witches or any other kind of supernatural creatures in the past or even now. So far, it's been interesting but I've turned up nothing useful. It seems that real vampires and werewolves are a pretty secretive group. Still, I'm looking. I'm pretty sure I'd find something eventually.


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