Oooh, the Power of Risk.
And I was just sitting at this empty alcove-like booth at the back of the club with some guy whose name i can't remember - Ben or Brendan or something like that. He wasn't that bad looking either. And a little drunk. Me, I was hardly drunk, thanks to my super new vampire powers. And as the night passed by we started making out, no surprise, and's the surprise...I bit him.
It started off as just a nibble. Honest! I didn't mean to bite him! And then, I started getting close to the vein...and then...
But he's all right and I only took a bit and he doesn't remember anything and all that happened was that after I was done with him he seemed even more drunk. I made sure he got a glass of water in him after I was done, though. Just a personal health concern. You know, all that rap about alcohol and dehydration and all. Though I'm not sure where a small loss of blood would rack up in all this.
Anyway, it gave me a real heady feeling. Like power. Whoa. I can actually bite this guy and get away with it in a club! Wow. That's so cool. I'm just like an Anne Rice novel!