Sunday, January 30, 2005

Lavender closing in on the horizon...

Aaaaand she's touched down! Yep, Great-Aunt Marshall is in town and rampaging her way through my apartment with her beady little eyes spotting every speck of dust.
The first thing she said to me was, "You're looking much better than you have in years. I supposed you've finally blossomed, eh?"
Yes, Aunt Marsh. I have "blossomed" into the living undead. You can never have a better niece that you can be prouder of.
And we did all the usual aunt-niece stuff like going to the cemetery to put flowers on my parents' graves and that pie place on Brunsdown Street that she always likes.
And we had dinner at this little restaurant down on Trilgiler Street when something strange happened as we left the restaurant. We were standing outside the restaurant waiting for the doorman to flag a cab when I could just feel this pair of eyes on me. I turned around to see this girl looking at me. Now she looks like a real Goth, you know, with long dark hair, pale skin, black lipstick, the coolest black clothes, the works. And she was really gorgeous and I don't know how I knew it...but I just knew she was a vampire. I knew it when I looked into those dark cold eyes of hers. And I don't know how I know...but I just did. Anyway, she turned away real quickly and went through this red door. I asked the doorman if he knew what was that and he said it was a club.
Club Vampira. So they really do do it like those Anne Rice novels. And they really do dress like Goths - or at least one of them does anyway. *snorts* How stereotypical. Note to self to check it out.


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