Saturday, January 22, 2005

Vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires

So now that I'm a vampire, I'd like to know a little more about my kind of people. (Just like Claudia from Interview with a Vampire). And, being a modern gal, I do it the same way I do all my other research - online.
And I swear, if those people on all these "real vampire" websites are for real, then vampires must be one of the lamest races in the entire world! I thought we were like, cool people who looked totally Goth and write poetry and look totally moody as we hang at our personal bloodsucking bars playing Ramsteinn and H.I.M., not...these kind of people. Hell, I was a lot more cooler than these people were even before I met Julian.
If these people are proof of real vampires I think I'm better off hanging with humans.
And would you look at the majority of people who go on these websites, begging to be turned into vampires? I guess they'd all be killing to be in my shoes, hahaha. There's this guy who leaves the address of his house, adding that he always leaves a window open. If I was a vampire, i wouldn't bite him, I'd rob him. Hell, I'll do that even if I wasn't one.


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