Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Bad or what?

Most of the websites online about vampires are full of shit. Not a single one helps me figure out what I am...not even the ones which claim they know about "real vampires." Real vampires my ass. They should be interviewing me, now I'm a real vampire, no life, fangs, fucked up and all.
Solz and Julie came by again. I could hear them yakking outside, loud and clear, even without needing my new sharp-as-a-needle hearing because the walls are so bloody thin.
Julie: "Where do you think she is?"
Solz: "I don't you think she had a heart attack and dropped dead in there?"
Julie: "Solz! Shut up. Do you think we should break the door?"
Solz: "Maybe she just took off for a couple of days."
Julie: "That's not like her."
Solz: "Yeah, she can be pretty unpredictable."
I'll tell you what, I was pretty damn predictable until that fucked up Julian came along and turned my life upside down and made it totally completely UNPREDICTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I a whole lot more predictable than either Solz or Julie!
Anyway they finally left and I just prowled around my flat, looking in the mirror and watching my fangs grow and shrink, grow and shrink. Which is quite fun. I wonder if I have to brush them out completely as well?
I only headed out when it was dark. Now I know where they get all those ideas of vampires being night people. It's a whole lot more safer to hunt someone without getting caught at night. Tonight I drank this girl's blood. She must be in high school, only a couple of years younger than I was. Blonde and blue-eyed chick, looks like the popular cheerleader type. I didn't feel bad at all about feeding on her - those cheerleader chicks never cut me any slack in school.
Does that make me a bad person that I don't feel guilty at all?


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