Monday, June 13, 2005


I have just had the shock of my life.
Michael is actually jealous.
And guess who he's jealous of?
That really makes me laugh. I mean yeah, I can appreciate the fact that Paul is pretty cute and all but, honestly.
I mean, c'mon, Paul???
That's my best friend's boyfriend we're talking about! The vampire guy that I'm still not entirely sure I totally trust!
Give me a little credit here!
I started laughing when he said it was Paul he was jealous of, but when I saw his face, I stopped.
"You're serious?" I sputtered.
And then he started listing all his reasons. How we're always laughing over some "secret joke". How we sometimes give each other this look. How Paul and I look at each other when the other doesn't know it.
And you know, the way he says it, it really does sound like we could be having some passionate affair or something! But it's not really! I guess Paul and I sometimes look at one another in a reevaluating kind of way - well I know that's why I look at Paul sometimes, because I;m still trying to gauge what kind of guy he is. Whether he really is the harmless vampire that wouldn't hurt my best friend.
The jokes? The looks? Well, you can't share a blood meal once or twice without developing some sort of bond. But, honestly, it's all harmless, totally platonic. I mean, c'mon, Paul??? That'll be like me falling for Solz.
And I was just stunned and I didn't know what to say. Like, what can I say? "Oh, sweetie, you have nothing to worry about, we're not lovers, just vampires."
I just ended up doing my best to reassure him that I and Paul feel absolutely nothing for one another. "C'mon, you know, I hated the guy when we first met," I pointed out. Of course, I didn't mention that this was because he was a vampire. And Michael just looked kind of glum, like he thinks that maybe because we hated one another, we now loved each other. You know, that whole hate-love thing.
Gawd, it took forever to convince him that Paul and I definitely do not have a thing for one another. At first it was really sweet and flattering that he was jealous and all. After that, it got a bit like, "COME ON, IT'S PAUL!!!" Finally he came around and admitted he was kind of silly. But it's not his fault really, I mean, because he doesn't know that Paul and I are vampires.
Then the moment I got home, I snuck back out for a drink with Paul. After feeding on a couple of chicks (Paul's idea, I was too distracted thinking about Michael to argue), I told Paul about what had happened. He laughed so hard I think he snorted blood up his nose but I made him stop laughing by threatening to stab him with my keychain and he promised to be more "platonic" around me in front of Michael. And then he started laughing again.


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